This is they place where Shri Ramchandra ji was born. 2040 years ago from today, Maharaja Vikramaditya had built a very beautiful temple at this place. Afterwards it was repaired by Raja Jayachandra of Kannauj. Due to the weakness of the Khilji and Tughlaq dynasty rulers, a new state emerged in Jaunpur, which is called Sharqi State, the western extension of Sharqi State was till the entire present Awadh. In 1526 AD, after the throne was established on Delhi, Shah Babar attacked it with the idea of making the Sharqi kingdom independent. Sharqi Sultan took a bold front. Babar made his battle camp 3-4 kos east of Ayodhya near the confluence of Serwa and Ghaghra. Babar was victorious after 7-8 days of fighting. In his triumph, Babar wished to satisfy the curiosity of religious sentiments and after taking advice from the ministers went to the refuge of Siddha Fakir Fazal Abbas Qalandar of Ayodhya and requested him to recite religious sermons. At that time, Babar was accompanied by his prime minister, Mir Banki, who was very impressed after hearing his sermons. He presented many valuables to the fakir. Fazl Abbas put those goods in the burning dhuni with the intention of having the effect of his accomplishment on Emperor Babar.

When Babur went to his camp, he was very surprised to see those goods safe and well-equipped in their place as before. He expressed his desire to build a Muslim Aradhana Bhawan (mosque) at the residence of that Muslim Siddha. Fazal Abbas considering as a good opportunity to fulfill his fanatic sentiments and thanked Babur from said - Instead of my location I want to demolish this temple (Rama's birth place) and build a mosque. So Babar said - building a mosque by destroying the temple is against my principles.
On this the fakir got furious and said-

If you do not obey, I will curse you, give you a fatwa and wreak havoc on your sultanate. What do you know that one prayer performed on this holy land (on the birthplace) is accepted in front of God equal to a thousand prayers? Babur trembled on hearing this, he had to obey the fakir. Eventually Babur returned to Delhi by ordering his minister Mirbanki Tashkandi to demolish the temple of Janmabhoomi and build a beautiful mosque at that place. This conversation spread like a pure flow of poisonous arrows in the vast Hindu masses, Mirabanki attacked the most sacred birthplace with his army, the armed Hindus fought with their lives and fought for 17 days, but the battle was against the Mughals. Dhar could not stand in front of Khadg. The Meerabaanki temple of wanted to enter the inner.

Pandit Shyamanandji, a Brahmin priest of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi, fought with his family firmly, but the army of Mirbanki defeated him. Arya blood stained with Vijayashree entered Mirbanki Garbh Bhavan, but there Srinivas Lord Rama had already disappeared. Mirbanki repented that he could not get the title of Ghazi, the idol-destroyer, the temple was demolished all over. That idol of Srinivas Lord Rama was later received by a Brahmin from inside Shri Saryu ji, who is now sitting behind the Kaleram temple, Nageshwarnath. This is the same ancient idol that Vikramaditya had built and established in the temple's birthplace. It is heard that at the time when Fazal Abbas Sahab was alive and his accomplishment was ringing in Ayodhya. At that time, Mahasant Swami Shri Dev Murariji of Prayag sent his favorite disciple Shri Gudad Baba to Ayodhya to defeat him after discussing him. Hearing the arrival of Gudad baba, Fazal Abbas rode on his lion (he had a pet lion) to meet him and went to him. Shri Gudad Baba was also a perfect saint. He took water from his kamandal and threw it towards the lion. The lion, carrying Fazal Abbas, ran towards the south and slammed him at a distance and grabbed his throat. Gudar Baba also reached there from behind, Fazal Abbas apologized to him. Sant Gudar Das ji forgave him and scolded the lion very loudly. The lion ran towards Saryu's manjha, the teeth of the lion had torn the respiratory tract of Fazal Abbas, due to which he died. The Muslims of Ayodhya were greatly affected by this incident. This incident had a special impact mainly on Musa Asikan (disciple of Abbas Qalandar) (Fazl Abbas's body was buried there). The tomb of Fazal Abbas is situated near the present Vasistha Kund. Regarding the tomb of Fazal Abbas, Muslim historian Abdul Ghaffar Sahib says that this tomb belongs to Musa Ashiqan Sahib, who lived with Abbas Qalandar (Fazal Abbas), some Muslim elders have also told me that this tomb is not Shah Qalandar Sahib. and not of Musa Ashikan Sahib, but this tomb is of Babar's minister Mirbanki Tashkandi. Who was killed by a Hindu with an arrow. But it is not clear.

Shri Gobind Ramdasji, the first saint of Nirmohi Akhara by making a treaty with the Muslims through Sant Goodar Baba (the place of birth), built the temple of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi as a memorial by enclosing it with poppy sticks on a small platform near the Travelers consider themselves blessed by visiting the memorial building of this birthplace. Chaitra Shukla Navami (On the day of Ram Navami, the creature who visits Shri Ram Janmabhoomi by fasting duly and gives excellent sweet food to the boys and girls, he is the partaker of the supreme position.) To achieve this Shri Ram Janmbhoomi built on Babri Mosque, many conflicts and efforts made from hindus. In the year 1764 AD, durint the time of Nawan Sadat Ali Jung the war was going to happened but it saved.

The devotees of Ram used to go continually to worship the lord's birthplace. In the year 1885 AD on the worship system of hindus, the rahu visin of muslim again fell on. Muslim mystic Gulab Hussaini, who got food from Shri Hanumangarhi temple, instigated his Muslim brothers to destroy this infant hut in the birthplace by declaring Jihad. The Hindus also played the musical instrument, listening to the sound of the conch, the Muslim force hid in the mosque. At that time, British employees lived in Lucknow to take care of the state management. To pacify this disturbance, Shriyut Aant Saheb and Jaan Saheb were sent from there. Both the nobles forbade both Hindus and Muslims from quarreling. Hindus agreed but Muslims did not agree in any way. On this, Aant Saheb and Jaan Saheb said, well then you guys should decide after fighting amongst themselves. According to the policy of the British, Aant and Jaan Saheb challenged both (Hindus and Muslims) of them and got the Beard and Braid conference done. As a result, there was a war of Ram-Rahim, in which the Hindus valiantly defeated the Muslims. After some time the Muslims of Ayodhya and Faizabad prayed in the service of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah that near the Babri Masjid there is a thatched hut containing the Ram Janmabhoomi of God. He should be removed from there. The skilled Nawab, in consultation with the abbot and the English Officer, ordered that the hut to be intact as before. On this, Lord Dalhousie in his article praised the wisdom of the Nawab.

On this behavior of the Nawab, some Muslims became very angry with him. He was led by Mir Maulvi Amir Ali of Amethi. He took a defiant party and started towards Ayodhya, but near Raunahi, Bhitike Raj son Shreejaydat Singh cut him down with the help of his army. After some time in 1947 AD, India became completely independent, then two years later, on the holy night of 22 December 1949, Lord Ram also appeared on the throne on the holy land of his ancient birth place in Ayodhya. Human eyes could not see them, the gods played the musical instrument and the musicians performed a grand aarti. Sakal Awadh residents were watching this whole scene in a dream in their sleepy state. Dinkar's taxes broadcast that pleasant conversation in the Vaishnava world. To the government officials appointed from place to place, all this heart seemed like a divine event. Shri Ram Janmabhoomi belongs to Hindus. The rights of Hindus had been running on it not from today but from Treta Yuga. If in the middle of the Mughal rule, Babur demolished the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi temple built by Maharaja Vikramaditya and got a mosque built at that place, then it was his excess and utter injustice towards the Hindus. This is the same Babri Masjid which was built by Emperor Babar by breaking the temple, Which was destroyed by the devotees of Ram. The scene of which is shown below -

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