Ayodhya Dham Introduction

Once upon a time, Shri Mahadevji and Parvati were sitting on Mount Kailash. Knowing Lord Shankar was happy, Mother Parvati expressed her desire to know the greatness and history of Pavanpuri Ayodhya ji from him.
Mahadevji said - Oh dear! Ayodhyapuri is situated on the right bank of river Saryu, the best of all rivers. The ability to describe its greatness is not even in Shesha and Sharda.
Brahma ji with intellect, Vishnu ji with chakra and I always protect him with my trident.
In the word 'Ayodhya' Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is the residence of.

Ayodhya in Vedas and Puranas

This Ayodhya belonged to Lord Baikunth Nath. Maharaj Manu had brought a demand from Lord Baikunthnath to make it the head office of his creation above the earth. By bringing it from Baikuntha, Manu placed Ayodhya on the earth and then created the universe. After serving that Vimal land for a long time, Maharaja Manu gave that Ayodhya to Ikshvaku. The Ayodhya where the Lord himself incarnated. Among all the pilgrimages, it is the highest and ultimate salvation.
Avantikari with all the qualities (Ujjain is the feet of Lord Vishnu and Kanchipuri is the cut part.) Dwarkapuri is the navel, Mayapuri (Haridwar) is the heart. The core of the neck is Mathura and Kanshipuri is the Nashika. In this way, while describing the parts of Lord Vishnu, the sages describe Ayodhyapuri as the forhead of God.

The one who is worshiped by all the worlds, such Ayodhyapuri is as eternal as Lord Anandakand. It is called by eight names i.e. its eight names are Hiranya, Chinmaya, Jayaa, Ayodhya, Nandini, Satya , Raajita and Aparajita.
This welfare capital of the Lord, Saketpuri Anandakand is the heart of Lord Krishna's goloka. The beings born in this country are called agrajanma. From whose characters the human beings of all the earth take education. Human creation first took place here.
This Ayodhyapuri is the basic base of all the Vaikunthas (Brahmlok, Indraloka, Vishnuloka, Goloka etc. is the Lok of all the deities). And that which is the original nature (in which the world is born) is even better than that. The one who is in the form of goodness is Brahmamaya, Sat, Raja, Tama, out of these three gunas, it is devoid of Rajogun.
This Ayodhyapuri is full of divine gems and is always a place to visit Shri Sitaramji on a regular basis.
The word Ayodhya means that the enemy cannot be victory. Ayodhyapuri is the city of gods. It is adorned with eight chakras and nine gates. It has a gold-like Hiranamaya kosha which is completely surrounded by divine light.

In Sri Ayodhyapuri 8 major scenic spot

1- Birth place, 2- Hanumangarhi, 3- Nageshwarnatha, 4- Saryu ji, 5- Choti Devkali, 6- Laxmanghat Temple, 7- Brahmakund and 8- Kanak Bhavan
Travelers coming to Ayodhya must visit the above mentioned 8 temples.
Lakhs of years ago, there was a king named Vaivasvatamnu in Ayodhya, he first made it his capital, at that time its length was 120 kos and width was 48 kos.
There were many great and majestic kings in this dynasty. His son was Ikshvaku, Whose 62 generations later in the same lineage hero of the universe Maharaj Purushottam Shri Ramchandraji has incarnated was. Whose holy character Maharishi Valmikiji has described in detail in his Ramayana.
During the reign of Lord Ramchandra, the circle of this Puri was in 84 kos, it had 4 mountains in all four directions. Shringadri in the east, Liladri in the west, Muktadri in the north and Mani Koot (Maniparvat) in the south had three forests each. Thus there were twelth forests in Ayodhya.

Antiquity of Ayodhya in the World Universe

At the time when the map of the world was completely blurred, at that time the sun of civilization was spreading its rays on the land of India. Ayodhya was the capital of India at that time, its proof is the history of creation.
The modern western civilization is jumping here and there out of its belly. According to those people, the origin of the earth was two million years ago. According to ABBYLONIA, the age of the earth is considered to be 5 lakh years.
Biswan was the son of the 'Surya' i.e. Surya Narayan. Vaivasvatamnu, from this his dynasty became famous as Suryavansh and the people of this dynasty are present in a village named 'Sarai', 6 miles east of Ayodhya.

The Iranians have put the age of the earth as 2 thousand years, according to the opinion of European scholars, the age of the earth is till now a total of 6000 years. Here (in India) it is calculated in two ways (Yug Siddhanta and Surya Siddhanta), but it is necessary to keep in mind that twice the duration of Kaliyuga is three times that of Dwapar, three times that of Treta and four times that of Satyuga.
History scholar Professor Walter Raleigh has also expressed his opinion in these words after much research! "After the flood, the first tree (Akshayavat) originated in India and human settlements were settled."
Ram, who killed Ravana by tying the bridge of Adam and going to Lanka, belonged to Ayodhya. Aryarlili sahib writes that the armed Ram is absolutely unmatched in the history of the world.

Opinions of historians about Ayodhya

Marshman sir writes:
King Sagar of Ayodhya was very majestic and Mahabali. King Sagar of Ayodhya was very majestic and Mahabali. The ocean is called 'Sagar' after his name. With his beloved wife Maharani Shaivya and son Rohit, in Kashi by going who was seld to the dom, and brought the holy Jagtarini Shri Ganga ji to earth Maharaj Bhagirath was the king of Ayodhya. King Dadhichi was the emperor of Ayodhya, who gave his bone in his life to make a thunderbolt for Devraj Indra.
Captain Trayevor says : 'Greatestatus' civilization dates back at least 3000 years to from us But beyond that the heroes of Ramayana see to 'Rama' whose capital was Ayodhya.
Major D. Grahypol Saheb writes in his book that Aryavarta was well educated at that time and its capital was Ayodhya, whereas our ancestors used to roam in the forests wearing bulk (woad).
Keeping it in front, the great scholar of history, Mr. Tharton sir, writes.
When the pyramids that looked at civilization in the valley of the Nile river were not even built, When Greece and Rome, considered the center of European civilization, were absolutely uncivilized, at that time India was the abode of civilized, well-educated and wealth at that time the capital of India was Ayodhya.
On April 12, 1917, the Premier had told in his lecture at the American Luncheon Club that when all the races and rulers of the world were in the words of Viscount Parlamston, India was at the height of civilization. At that time and its capital was Ayodhya.
The famous European scholar Professor Kalbuk Sahib writes-
'The light of knowledge and civilization from this country first went to Greece and then spread to Rome and all of Europe'. All the coins that have been received in the world belong to the people of India.

Discovery of ancient Ayodhya

Ayodhya is an ancient city of India, situated on the banks of river Saryu in Ayodhya district of Uttar Pradesh, which is said to be the birth place of Shri Ram Chandra ji and it is here that the epic Ramayana was written, authored by Maharishi Valmiki.
Although Ayodhya has been described in the Vedas and Puranas since ages. But its historical form has been obtained from the time of Shri Vikramaditya. There is no history written before the time of Vikramaditya, which should tell some news of the outline of Ayodhya. This story of Vikramaditya is very interesting in the investigation of Ayodhya, which I am writing below. When Shri Ramchandraji went to his divine abode along with his subjects, Ayodhya became desolate. Sarayu hid all the wealth, math and temple in his lap. This was the condition for thousands of years. The forest all around had become a forest. In the beginning of the eternal Dwapar era, the attention of Maharaj Kush and in the medieval period, the attention of Maharaja Rishadhak was attracted towards this Puri and he re-established it.

According to this old time, during his revenue period, he wore a gentle and beautiful makeup as compared to other Puris. Those dynasties ruled Ayodhya for thousands of years. After the first millennium of Kali Yuga, the Shakya dynasty succeeded, but due to the continuous misfortune of three generations, Maharaja Shuddhodhana had to leave Ayodhya. He made his capital at Saryu Par Shravasti (Sahat-Mahat). After becoming the new capital, all the citizens of Ayodhya left Ayodhya and settled in Sravasti, due to which Ayodhya became deserted. After some time Mahatma Gautam Buddha was born. Gautam Buddha resided in ancient Ayodhyapuri for 16 years. Staying here, he determined his religious principles. But many Buddhist saints were born here, in which the names of Gadadhara Pandit, Ramchandraji Aryashara Ashvaghosha Anand Basu, Hiramani and Visakhaji (Visakha Devi) are more famous. In the heart of Veer Vikramaditya, son of Anantar Pandhwasen, there was an inspiration to save this oldest Puri, but it was difficult to find the missing Puri without any divine help. In the end, he reached the forest named Visakha while walking along the banks of Saryu from here towards Mansarovar.
One morning he was walking on the banks of river Saryu when he saw that a black man riding on a black horse came from the south direction and entered the holy stream of Saryu and when he came out after taking a dip in the infinite water, So he was white. and his horse had also turned white. Vikramaditya was very surprised to see these wonderful characters. They understood that he was not an ordinary man, but some supernatural force. As a result, he ran and grabbed the horse and asked boldly- 'God! Tell me who are you?' The equestrian smiled and said, son! I am Tirtharaj Prayag, my mind gets tainted by the sins of innocuous sinners, so I become black.

I come to Ayodhya on Chaitra Ramnavami, you have gone in search of ancient Ayodhyapuri, so I have come manifestly in front of you. Otherwise I come secretly and go after taking a bath. This is Ayodhya Puri. You save this holy puri. Vikramaditya said, Lord! Thanks for the kindness! Just as you blessed this servant with your virtuous darshan, in the same way, Similarly, you should also tell me the address of many divine places located in this Divyapuri, so that I may be able to deliver them smoothly. Tirthraj said, well then you ride on your horse and go with me. Vikramaditya did the same. Prayagraj went on telling the address of the divine places and Vikramaditya kept making marks on those places with his spear. Then there he got the temple constructed at 160 divine places and composed a Sanskrit book named Ayodhya Mahatmaya. Vikram Samvat walked in the memorial of the renovation of this Ayodhyapuri temple, which is still present today. Before this Yudhishthira era was prevalent. Maharaja Vikramaditya started the restoration work of Ayodhya in Yudhishthira Samvat 2426 and finished in 2432.
Ayodhya is as revered for Hindus as Mecca for Muslims and Jerusalem for Jews. Ayodhya is not mortal. It is situated on the chariot chakra of the creator.
Just as Lord Rama had given the form of his Ramkot (fort) in Tretayuga, in the Similarly Vikramaditya also named his fort at Ramkot by Ashtasingh. Anjani Nandan Pawan's son Shri Hanumanji was the residence of at the main gate of Rajprasad. Shri Sugrivji was revered in his south side. Angadji's fort was found in this fort. Nal Neel and Sushen lived at the south gate of Kot. In the east, there was a temple named Navratna. Nearby were Gavaaksha and Daghavakas at the west gate. Near him was Shanbal and at some distance Gandhamardan, Rishabh Sharabh were seated. At the north gate of the fort, the burden of the chief guard was on Vibhishana. His wife 'Sarmadevi' also used to stay with him, before him there were Vighneshwar and Pindarak. Which were installed side by side of the north gate. Dwid and Gayand were appointed on the northeast. Jamwant and Keshariji were responsible for the main defense of the south. In this way, the fort was protected around Ramkot.
On the basis of this research, the famous hero Vikramaditya also gave the form of his Ramkot.

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